WordPress Tutorial (00) – How to access your WordPress Admin Page easily

WordPress Tutorial (00) - How to access your WordPress Admin Page easily

I have had an hard journey through my website development phase, If you ever thought you need to have a course to do website development, i completely disagree with it. As personally i have not done any course or neither am I a website developer.


So what I am trying to say here is,

If you have the passion to explore website development maybe as an independent blogger, business unit, eCommerce website etc. You can do it to!

So my step by step WordPress tutorial is here to help you to access, use and explore WordPress websites at its full potential.


STEP 1 – GO TO THE internet browser

Go to your the search bar of your browser page and type your website domain name and add slash wp-admin. eg. http://www.xyz.com/wp-admin and press enter. As shown in the illustration below.

WordPress Tutorial (00) - How to access your WordPress Admin Page easily

STEP 2 – add your credentials

Once you press enter, you reach the WordPress Admin login page and type in your credentials if you have logged in with your unique email id in the first column as illustrated in the below pic. If you have logged in by using your Gmail, please click on Google Option. And if you have logged in using your Apple credentials you may login with the same.

WordPress Tutorial (00) - How to access your WordPress Admin Page easily_Auxilius

STEP 3 – WP-Admin Page

Once you login, using any of the above credentials you will enter the WordPress admin page, where you have the access to limitless possibilities, if you have a business plan 🙂 as illustrated in the below picture.

method 2

Sometimes, things are not easy and they do not happen the way we plan it to, this is the case at least with me. So there is an alternative method of login to WordPress admin panel.

This method is far easier and often times if you are new to website development, anything that looks a little often tends to confuse us, so i believe it is important to actually make this second method come to light.

Every factor in this Tutorial is for extreme beginners only. It is help them smoothly transition to this environment.

STEP 1 – After logging In SEARCH FOR

This is once you login with your WordPress Credentials, you may sometimes be directly reverted to your Mysite Page, It is because either you may have not launched your website or there is still something left to edit. So all you need to do is Search for WP-Admin and click the same to access the WP- Admin Page of your website. Please see the below illustration to understand better.

WordPress Tutorial (00) - How to access your WordPress Admin Page easily

We believe this blog has helped you get a clear information, good luck with your future ventures.

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