
5 Most common mistakes that startup owners make

5 Most common mistakes that start-up owners make?

“A business is all about solving a particular problem that the business owner believes that exists. At least that is what most business owners say when you sit down for a coffee to talk to them.

“Don’t worry we are not here to create a controversy whether all the businesses in the world exist to solve problems.” After closely working with start-ups and young entrepreneurs, we identified these top 5 common mistakes that most start-up owners make.

Here we go..

  1. Lack of Planning (At each Level):

Now wait a minute, no planning? Is that even possible? Who would possibly get into business without a plan?  Well, let me break it down for you.

We have seen this common behavior that most entrepreneurs have a start plan, survival plan and exit plan (a few exceptions), but the biggest thing missing in the entire story is having a bench-marking.  By that we mean that it is important for every business to have small goals with destined benchmark, wherein at each phase the business is rewarded by taking the next best step. Let’s say for example, “You have been working on a blog for quite some time and have also been working on promoting the same in some social media platforms, and you set a bench mark, Let’s say maybe 1K followers on twitter! Now that’s a benchmark, now you can reward your blog by investing a few dollars on paid ads!”

  1. Investing Capital in the Unnecessary :

This is the most common problem that almost every start-ups face despite of being heavily funded by Venture Capitalist or Banks. Organisations have a very bad behaviour of over staffing, especially with the sale department, thinking that more sale reps equals to more sales. (Phew…seriously, is this logical?). Most organisations lack financial planning especially start-ups as maintaining a proper cash flow helps it be liquid at times of greatest needs, i.e. Making an acquisition or running a nationwide advertisement campaign etc.

5 Most common mistakes that start-up owners make?

Related Topics: How has COVID-19 Pandemic impacted small & mid-sized business owners?

  • Into business only for money :

Well, this is one of the biggest reasons why most start-ups fail even before they start if not within the first 5 years. “During our years of consulting organizations we have noticed numerous patterns in these young entrepreneurs who enter the world of business just for money!” They lack a very important component that is passion to solve a problem. It is seen that many start-up owners do not really know the problem they intend to solve with their business.

  • That’s not my idea? He does it why can’t I?

Ohh boy! I am sure you have definitely come across this one. Many, in fact most of the start-up owners actually get into business when some shares or recommends an idea. That can either be a friend, a colleague, a relative or even a family member.

“If you have planned to start a business and if this how you are planning to get into it, we would say, STOP RIGHT NOW! Before it is way too late!

Being original with your idea is important, by that I do not mean that you need to invent something, but instead try solving a problem that you have faced before and imagine now on how terrible that can be for others as well.

  • Doing the wrong business:

This is a very common mistake, that start-ups get into, i.e. if they are a group of individuals working together and each of them are of different backgrounds but the owners of the company lacks the business understanding and also are completely dependent on the group of experts working for them, this can lead to many problems such as

  • Theft of original Intellectual Property (IP)
  • Excessive dependency on the technical experts.
  • Lack of freedom to try other success methodologies.
  • Reluctant to change.
  • Excessive internal politics and lack of business control.

We would like to hear, what your challenges were as a start-up or do you agree with our blog post, do let us know on the comments below.

How to write an effective blog? Can I do it?

Most of us read through a lot of content on a daily basis, and probably enjoy following a few bloggers, despite of the fact they are not exactly from your niche. How does this happen? What is the science behind it? Can I also create a reader base as such?

Today I would like to explain this topic further in detail, and I would like to cover some pointers which has helped my blogs to gain traffic even without digital marketing.

Do you prefer audio podcast along with the blogs?(required)

We will be going through the psychology of the readers and on how to define their reading behavior, also on how you can leverage this behavior to people reading your blogs, starting today!

A tall bamboo shoots out in a day, but takes 8 years of handwork and watering to show this miraculous event. So in order to succeed, you must keep going as one day your plant of success will shoot out of the ground and will reveal your true potential!


We all inherit some unique values within us, maybe through our cultural backgrounds, upbringing or maybe other surrounding factors that has influenced you in developing your behavior. Always remember dear readers that your opinions do matter, when you have a valid point i.e. if you are talking a universal truth.

Same applies with blogging, sharing your honest opinion in your own style of writing, is what makes a blog interesting to read, Well we ain’t here to impress the bots, are we?


Blogging is definitely an art, that requires research, thinking, information gathering and execution. But other than this it is the most influential platform that helps each one of us make a difference in this world for greater good. It is true that, there is plenty of information available in the internet, and there maybe far greater bloggers than yourself.


But, you may have had an instance where you would have stumbled upon some challenge that you were unable to solve. Well these days though everyone tells you that information is free, most of them are looking for something in return for the information they share and that maybe your contact information, but why should you share that? If all you had was a simple question, that may have had a simple answer to it. So there you go, your content for the next blog 😉

The most important point one must remember while making any statements, it must be subtle and must not harm the integrity of any person, country, animal, creativity or creation. Always prove your point in a way that your statement provides value to its readers, and helps them make better decisions in life.


It is true that blogging is fun, specially when you are putting your thoughts in words. But, most bloggers fail to realize that readers have a particular pattern of reading. And specially when it comes to reading, though fun cannot keep us human beings hooked to it till the end. This is the reason, why most people don’t enjoy reading and they keep saying,” I don’t get it, what is there in reading? when I can simply watch a YouTube video?”

Credits: http://www.pexels.com

So making your blog a little colorful always enhances the readers experience, by travelling through the reading journey you planned for them. And the basic idea why we all blog is to share our valuable insights to others, a little bit of variety in information delivery may not be harmful, in fact most of the times these little efforts by you are encouraged and appreciated, so don’t keep low, go out there and grab their attention!


Isn’t blogging about bringing value to the table? Well you maybe thinking who doesn’t know this?

The truth is you may know it, but many unfortunately fail to understand the word ‘Value’ and its exact meaning. I have seen a lot of bloggers who blog very commercially, with only intent to sell something and earn few bucks. Well, I believe in the fact that influencing people in making buying decisions are good, but excessive of that makes a blogger unreliable.

Always, remember people value your content for your honest opinions and are committed to support you publish more of similar contents. Do not over engage in this act of just selling goods and services, because most of us blog because we are passionate about making this world have a freedom of speech and caring for lower life forms.

Making your information Crisp, Clear and Engaging makes readers from various groups despite of cultural differences enjoy your blog.

We believe this blog has helped you get a clear information, good luck with your future ventures.

We would love to hear from you so please feel free to leave a comment below and also share your love by liking and sharing this post to your loved ones!

5 Must have things before you start your business

We often read a lot of riddles in blogs, and books on “How to start your business?” & “The essentials you need while running a business” The most oblivious thing we often stumble upon is that we need a billion dollar idea and keep working hard towards making it a reality!

Well I completely disagree to this, and let me explain this to you on why I say so! and also share with you 5 essentials you must have before you start a business.


Now, hold on a minute! don’t judge me yet. I am sure you are already thinking that, we know this, that we need a niche product or service to sell! what’s so unique about it. At least that is what I thought when I started working with businesses. The fact about having a niche product or service means that we have to study the market on who are the clients we intend to cater too. Let me explain this, business is a numbers game, there is only two ways to make money one you sell a few products/services and charge a fortune and only cater to premium clients or sell to a large number of customers and price low and create a fortune!

When you create or select a product or service, you must focus on understanding the environment this particular product caters to and influences and whether your products prices or profits are directly or indirectly influenced by these factors and to what extent.

Let me give you an example to help you understand this point further, Imagine you are in business of selling old cars, and spare parts. The prices of your cars are dependent on factors that you can or cannot directly or indirectly influence. i.e. Factors you can influence, i.e. cars are more safer to ride for teenagers who are prone to speed compared to a bike, creating an artificial demand for a product to attract millennials. Factors you cannot influence, the prices of the cars go down in areas with adverse climatic conditions such as extreme humidity, but you assure your buyer that you offer spare parts of all these cars at all times at the best price. So though your product is a car, but you are offering other inclined services that includes spare parts, car washing, mechanic shop etc. Which may look like you are shifting your focus from your main product, but that’s not the truth.

I always say that you must not look for a backup when you do business, here in this case it is not a back-up instead your underlying business.

Let me explain this to you in detail in my next point.


Well, I am certain you all may have had a chance to read through the life journey of successful people, and have watched a lot of videos on their habits and best practices, but nobody talks about their real journey and what really their business is. Until Ray Kroc, the founder of Mc Donald’s Corp first revealed a view on the same.

The story goes that once he was invited at Harvard University to interact with the students, they had a lot engaging discussions through out the day, in the end of the day one of the students invited Ray for a casual drink at a bar. He agreed, as he always enjoyed company of young minds. At the bar everyone raised a toast to Ray Kroc on joining the league of the youth. Soon, Ray asked a question to them, ” Can anyone answer, what really is my business?” Everyone in the room burst out with laughter, thinking it was a joke. One brave sole decided to answer, “Of course who does not know your in the Hamburger business Ray.” Ray smiled and replied, “That is what everyone thinks that’s the business I do, well that’s not all! He took a quick sip of his drink and gulped it and said, ” I love my hamburger business, but I love the real estate too!

Now if we are to think about this carefully, isn’t he right. We often see a McDonald’s mostly open on the land where cost of the land prices are sky high, so even if the burgers don’t do good, they can at least sell the land off at twice the profit!!


I know that a business plan is something that we all know is important. The only problem is that we often think its fancy or we end up using a lot of time making it ourselves and end up with not starting our core business.

Well let me help you understand when do you really need a business plan and whether it really boosts your businesses opportunities.

The first thing is to clear the difference between freelancing and a business. In freelancing you do everything in your activity from being the HR, the Salesperson, Marketer, PR, Finance Manager, Strategist etc. If this is your story! Then what you are doing is not a business, though you follow the ideals of a good business. Here even sole proprietor can be considered as a business as he/she is offering a service but ensures to manage the leadership goals with a vision and employs others to manage miniscule tasks.

I am sure that many of you think that its wrong, who said that single person alone can’t run a business? Well i didn’t say that! What i am saying here is if you are managing all the tasks of your organization by yourself then its freelancing not business. because imagine how can expand something when you do not have the manpower to do so, and also managing a business and freelancing requires different skillsets, commitment and also mainly a vision.

So if you are not freelancing and you actually are running a business, then lets get on with our discussion. A business plan helps you define, engage and identify your opportunities and challenges that you and your business may come in contact with. It is not necessary for you as an owner of the business to do this yourself, you can hire experts to create a business plan for you. The most important reason why a business plan is useful is when you plan on bringing in capital investments from banks, venture capitalists or private investors in your business in order to expand and showcase your business potential and how it can actually bring in returns if only it was backed by investments.


If you are new to startups, or maybe you have a strong technical background but lack sales, marketing or PR skills, then always hire consultants to support you in achieving your business goals. Today hiring a consultant is far cheaper and lucrative compared to hiring an employee. The best part is they are still your intangible asset. Often times many startup owners have a sense of fear that they don’t prefer sharing their business details or supporting information to their consultants, thinking that they may steal their million dollar idea, really?

Well always try to work out a deal that is win-win for both parties, specially if your are working with sales consultants, engage in a model where you can either share your best price that you intend to earn and ask the consultant to sell it over and above the same, so he/she may get the liberty to make his earnings based on his skill set and you would always end up making a profit in every deal!


I know this is not much of a giveaway, but we do know that small things make huge differences. Like for example, if we were to add just a pinch of salt accidentally in your coffee, but later you added some sugar to compensate the same, your mind is still stuck with it being salty though in reality the salt actually helped the coffee to get more sweeter (I know most of us have a sweet tooth, but i do not recommend you trying this out, if you really intend to test this then try it in a glass of water, cheers!)

Similarly a good working environment will help you stay organized, fresh and enthusiastic all throughout the day to work on your goals and objectives.

We believe this blog has helped you get a clear information, good luck with your future ventures.

We would love to hear from you so please feel free to leave a comment below and also share your love by liking and sharing this post to your loved ones!

Is Neuralink the “Future of Mankind”?

The world of technology is growing dynamically day after day new introductions are made, which are far better than the last one. Today technology is important for helping us stay connected and accessible to infinite source of information. One such discovery is “Neuralink” by Elon Musk, once believed just as an imagination today is finally a reality.

So let us try understanding what really is Neuralink? and why is it believed a future changing technology for mankind as a whole in the Artificial Intelligence? So lets head out and uncover this mystery together.

What is the NEURALINK Technology?

The Neuralink Presentation by Elon Musk, Credits: CNET.com

This Neuralink technology is future to solve medical complications in neuroscience, to contemplate the missing links in the brain. This technology is designed to help improve the brain functions in patients suffering from deafness, paralysis, blindness, memory-loss and stroke. The device used is directly fitted in the skull, which is as big as a large coin. The device used to solve important brain and spine problems with the help of an implant device. The prototype is called as Link V0.9. For more information click here

What does link v0.9 look like?

Elon Musk 2020 Update (Neuralink) Link v0.9 1 (c) - TESLARATI
The components breakup in the Link V0.9 device. Credits: Teslarati.com


This device is designed to contribute to neuro-science, that is by finding solutions to health problems such as neurological disorders that includes Parkinson’s, autism, etc. As we have so far never been able to closely monitor brain waves in a consistent manner and in the open environment. I personally believe that this invention is not just limited in understand or identifying new brain patterns or healthcare inventions, but also will help enhance the existing inventions further to our personalized needs.

I am sure i have put some thought in your mind, these are my views. I would love to hear what you think about it. If you agree with my blog please show some love by liking and sharing it to your loved one’s.

and if you disagree, let us know in the comments below on your thought!

Is making money online easy? Don’t Quit your Job before reading this!

Since 2020, there has been a lot of hype around making money online. Though many in the western countries like the United States, the land of opportunities this concept of working from home and making money online has been a practice since 2008’s.

We often tend to see people getting rich, and making a lot more money than one makes by doing a job. So we all come to this conclusion that maybe making money is easy. But is it really as easy as it looks?

Source: http://www.pexels.com


Now wait a minute, before you judge me and assume that I am against the fact that you must not quit your boring day job and never gain financial freedom, then your wrong. I want all my readers to gain financial freedom and be successful in their desired path of life. But success is not always about being wealthy or maybe owning your own business, rather it is about choosing a path that will make you happy and content in life.


This may sound a little weird for most people, and I am sure that you may have a question in your mind as on Why is it necessary? or maybe I do not have enough time to find additional work and complete it! Well if that’s your reason stick to your job, at least you may get some recognition and money per month to pay your bills and meet your needs. Why? because imagine if you were to quit your job and start freelancing with no order in hand, firstly how will you pay your bills? Secondly you are not the only one who is offering their service out in the market, its very competitive not only in terms of price but also in terms of quality.

Its best advisable to grab your first order while you are still working as you need to learn to multi task and also deliver the highest quality of work under pressure. But more importantly it is best to work with closest references first rather than a complete stranger!


When I started freelancing, I still remember many of my colleagues then told me that it will take some time to get stable. Well they were partially right, but what they did not tell me was that it takes a minimum of 6-12 months to get some bucks in hand. The first order i got was a data entry job which paid me $200 in the 6th month of me freelancing and through a personal referral, so i would not call that an online order either. When you freelance you must keep in mind that patience and effortlessly trying is the key! If you are a person with way over bills to pay and trust me do not quit your job no matter how ever boring it is!

Source: http://www.pexels.com


Now, most people do not know this nor do they share their exact journey of freelancing with anyone. In simple words It’s just another job! What do I mean by that? simple. It means that you have to learn and unlearn skills that you have never in your life may have acquired. There are so may freelancing job portals available but remember if you are just starting off now, it will be very difficult to make a distinction or maybe even get a job. You maybe skilled at something, but you must know that often businesses approach freelancers to do work which either maybe tedious or maybe boring like data entry. So getting a job relevant to your skills will be difficult to find on these portals, this has been my personal experience and I promise it will be yours too.


Most of us start having the idea of freelancing just because we are tired of our daily boring work routing, no work recognition and maybe a little bit of office politics as well, or maybe your colleagues tell you that you are good at something (i.e. your skill like singing, dancing, photography, language translation etc.) and give you confidence boost that you must pursue your dreams as they could not, my advice to you would be DON’T LISTEN TO THEM! It may look like they are encouraging you but trust no one other than yourself as you would know if its really time to choose a different path!


Well, most of us actually quit our job because we are paid less, trust me in freelancing you will be paid far lesser than what you actually deserve. I remember that when I got my first order, i had to price it nearly free and unfortunately the person who gave me the order was a fraud, this happened in one of the most trusted freelancing websites. When I reported it to them, the answer i got from them was ridiculous, they said I must only accept orders from payment verified individuals! really? That’s how a true freelancing career looks like!

I have shared the views based on my experience and countless others i had interviewed for this blog, it does not mean you cannot work online or find jobs online. I wanted to ensure that this is not easy way to earn money, and definitely you would have to work more hours than usual, it will take you a minimum of 2 years to find a very good and paying employer when you freelance, most of them wont even reach there.

So, this is not a career choice for the faint of hearts. If are ready to take challenges head on and are ready to be broke most of times early in your career as a freelancer and then over time get successful, I would say, All the best!

Can machines think like us?

This is something that most technology companies have been working upon since the early 1900’s. Though there has been a few breakthroughs’ throughout the century. The idea of the machine thinking like us is not that far away from being achieved. So let’s explore on how this fundamental idea of machines thinking like man arrived and then it’s for the readers to decide whether the machines can think like us?


A machine is equipment which includes moving parts that are designed to carry out a certain job or function.

The evolution of machines, since the early 1700’s machines were mechanical in nature, that included automobiles, manufacturing machines and common day to day equipment’s with a pulley and lever. At its time, these machines were able to function a single task with comparatively better efficiency than human employees. Though the repair cost was significant, that was easily recovered with the output delivered by these machines.

The initial automation journey had begun by the invention of the all electronic desktop calculator in the year 1956, the first machine that solved mathematical problems with the help of electronic circuits rather than manual mechanism, it did play fair share of contribution to create a concept of universal machine or a.k.a Computer aided with Artificial Intelligence.

The idea of this complex machine was initiated in the early 1800’s, by the first computer invented Charles Babbage between 1873 – 1871. Where still remained the challenge that a computer was successful in accomplishing a single task like for example playing checkers, calculating etc. with utmost efficiency, but that was too early for it to be regarded as a “Thinking Machine.”

In the year 1950, Dr. Alan Turing had invested time in taking the challenges of then mathematicians such as David Hilbert head on by solving the challenge of a computer actively engaging in multiple tasks, by introducing the code phrase ‘Computing’. Dr. Alan Turing clearly envisioned the function of a computer as a series of tasks it needs to achieve with a help of a guideline which we now call as coding commands in computer programming.


Many technological enthusiast further created various versions of computer that solved minuscule problems with high energy driven memory disks and floppies. So did many computer versions perform tasks multitasking in nature through computing, at that time the challenge the computer programmers faced were, that machines required a huge amount of data to be uploaded to conduct such simple tasks, which our human brains could easily solve.

That is when the idea of Artificial Intelligence came to existence, the challenge was how do we measure whether we have achieved AI?, the late Dr. Alan Turing created an imitation game called as the “Turing Test” which competes with a human to understand its logical thinking abilities. This testing protocol laid a foundation in measuring the capabilities of AI at that time,.i.e.1950.

Though widely used even today, many researchers believed this testing protocol has its limitations which excludes human emotions, social requirements, Common logic (Common sense), understand towards human feelings and values and understanding the words and its underlying meanings etc.

So far we have seen various AI bots like Eliza, Sophia and other bots from Hansen Robotics who without a doubt were spectacular, but apart from being a wonder machine it did not yet very well qualify the human like interactions.


Even today, many robotics engineers have not been able to fully understand the functions of the human brain, such that replicating the same has been a challenge. So far most AI’s have been successful in incorporating logical, conversational, emotional (To Some extent) behaviors, though these facets can be easily replicated with today’s technologies, our understanding to the fact of common sense and what drives common sense is still a mystery.

I am certain that fully unlocking this technology is not that far it will be achievable within this decade; The question is what are we going to do with this technology? It does not matter whether machines can think like us or not? What would it be doing with this level of intelligence? Is it creation or destruction?  

5 Mysteries Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help us solve?

After a series of experimentation and frequent efforts various scientists, mathematicians, technology experts and entrepreneurs worked effortlessly to evolve the technology now we call as Artificial Intelligence since 1870’s.

The concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) first evolved around the conversion of machines to computers now called as the “Thinking Machine.” Today machine learning , Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning has evolved to such extents that it is fine to say that it has a mind of its own. But as humans we understand the importance freewill and freedom, but for a machine to analyze importance of freewill is confusing because it is we ourselves would not be able to program.

So if in case, all the scenarios work fine and Artificial Intelligence (AI) finally agrees to help mankind, here are 5 mysteries only artificial intelligence can help us solve.


Today, this world capacities a population of around 7.8 Billion (Approx.) human beings and the total land surface area of Earth is about 57,308,738 sq. miles. which has a varied of desserts (33%). mountains (24%), and rest is uninhabitable land.

In the given scenario, considering the rate at which we spawn we will soon have no land left to live. As we are aware of artificial islands being constructed such as the one in Dubai, i.e. the Palm Islands. This is has been a costly affair with the approximate cost of around $12 Bn.

Now with the help of AI repository and superficial analytics we would be able to identify on how we can increase more possibilities of expanding landscape for human as well as to grow the Flora and Fauna population as a whole.


This is definitely on of the spaces where many aerospace companies like Space X, NASA are working to figure out, where there is life in space. The idea arrived in late 90’s focused on UFO’s controlling and dominating this world through movies, also we often heard of hoax news on extraterrestrial living among us, it used to sound legit until Photoshop.

The Artificial Intelligence can help us explore and simulate various possibilities of identifying different live forms cease to exist in the outer space. The most important mystery for us would be understanding on how we could survive with no oxygen or even if we find an ideal planet at close proximity as earth to sun, the biggest challenge now lies whether it would have a similar atmospheric pressure and ideal conditions to grow, so who other than AI could make it possible to identify these odds.


We humans have been extensively consuming natural resources in order to produce goods and services approximately around 60 Billion tonnes each year. which is 50% more than that of we consumed 30 years ago. This significant rise is the importance on non-renewable resources are leading to war and uncertainty.

Today we produce certain types of resources, based on our limited experience and exposure, but as soon as we would embrace the power or Artificial Intelligence we will be able to solve the mystery of regaining the lost resources.

AI will be able to predict the resources that may deplete faster than we expected, it may also help us develop a synthetic or bio programmed alternatives that may preserve earth’s assets. With the help of machine learning we would need limited human resources to discover the undiscovered, with no cost on human lives.


Now, you might wonder! Really waste management? don’t we have too many important things to take care of, lets say contributions to healthcare, technology, labor, economy growth etc.

True these sectors are important and are the one’s which usually will be taken care of at any given point of time. But waste management is important because in many third world countries, still there isn’t any measure to protect the environment, imagine we are consuming the earth’s natural resource and killing her the same time?

As per the World Bank, A study suggests that more than 2 billion tonnes of solid waste are generated worldwide per annum, out of which on 20% of them are recyclable. So you just can imagine the type of non- bio-degradable, bio-hazardous wastes we are talking about. With the help of AI technology we can find alternatives which are Eco- friendly alternatives, which will help us restore the health of our Mother Earth.


This is a major area, in fact the most important driving factor. The man’s fuel food! The facts may make us cry, almost 3.1 million children die each year with lack of nutrition and food. It is presumably an assumption that enough food is not being produced, but because of the boundaries among countries and their politics millions suffer and die.

We roughly produce food enough for 10 Billion people per year, but this food may be preferably dumped wasted out by the market lobbies to impact trade an commerce in the global economy. We are the reason to our end, by foolishly acquiring wealth that we aren’t going to take with us when we are dead.

With the help of AI, we can help governments and private companies to help develop a food source that is cheap and effective based on the environmental conditions and staples. This is where we will be able to save and protect animals and humans alike, because of reduced vegetation the pace of global warming has risen up.

We believe this blog has helped you get a clear information, good luck with your future ventures. We would love to hear from you so please feel free to leave a comment below and also share your love by liking and sharing this post to your loved ones!

What is Machine Learning? Is it Important?

After hearing a lot of news and updates on Artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, neuralink etc we often times wonder whether these technological concepts are different or whether they are related, well if you have been in Information Technology domain for quite some time, I am certain you are quite familiar with these terms.

As we all are towards a era of digital transformation, these technological developments will change or rather evolve our existing environment to a more dynamic state. So today i thought it is important to help everyone form a non- technology background to understand what is machine learning? why is machine learning different? what are the advantages of machine learning and moreover the limitation of machine learning?


The term “Machine Learning” was a phrase first used by Arthur Samuel in the year 1952. This was when Arthur Samuel while working for IBM had designed a computer that could play checkers and learn various winning patterns algorithms each time it is used for a play. This was back in the year 1950. The concept of machine learning in simple words is derived form a machines ability to decipher and learn a function at the same time, by getting better each time based on the data accumulated in its memory.


In the late 1700’s the use of machine became a necessity because of it input vs output ratio, quality and more importantly improved the efficiency at an extreme level, due to industrialization. When these machines performed varied tasks in the manufacturing segment the entire workflow became very robust and efficient, but this still needed human intervention as these machines can only perform a task under human supervision or help.

This still was not enough as many manufacturing units had to invest on both machines and labor relentlessly, that’s when the thought of computer arised where in machines could complete a task successfully based on the need of the task.

That’s when the thought of modern computer came to rise in the early 1870’s and this equipment was less mechanical and more technical. which was still far away from achieving a machine that works and achieves a single task with utmost efficiency. In the early 1900’s, a British Mathematician, James Hilbert went on to identify the possibilities on how a computer can solve a problem or a task by deciphering information in the form of data, there were multiple challenges he was thrown at, the most important one included whether a computer can handle multiple tasks with perfection and creativity.

That’s when Arthur Samuel and team of experts came up with the discovery of the computer that played checkers in the early 1950’s. The fundamental of machine learning further progressed to what it is today because of a major contribution by late Dr. Alan Mathias Turing, who went to explore on the concept “Can machines think like humans?” based on his further research identified that a computer accurately completes and learns a particular task based on the readily available data or the data it has acquired through experience.

This still didn’t solve the challenge in hand, which was can machines multitask and learn simultaneously, here is where Dr. Alan Turing visualized the entire process by which he created the fundamentals of computer science, i.e. In order for a machine to perform a series of task, it must have a set guidelines that it could follow in order to achieve the set goal simultaneously learn different other possibilities based on the pre-recorded data. This entire process is called computing in modern world.


We are living in fast paced world, where information is the key. This information in the environment comes down to binaries i.e. 1’s and 0’s. Today complex problems are solved with the aid of machines and it has helped us to grow to a significant level. These are some of the advantages that machine learning has contributed to and may contribute in future.

  • Machines have been able to help us automate various types operational activities across various industrial verticals through digital transformation.
  • Machine learning has helped us a step further in creating computers with its own brain, which are able to multi-task with minimal errors.
  • With the help of machine learning, large amounts of binary data available in for each process are easily stored, analyzed and are made available at any given point of time.
  • As machine learning function improved, it created opportunities around other technological functions such as Big Data Analytics, IoT, SAAS, PAAS, IAAS, etc.
  • Today, machine learning capabilities are applied in the fields of Healthcare, Archaeology, Manufacturing, Stock Market, Banking & Finance Services, Trade & Commerce, etc.


Though machine learning has contributed effectively in advancing our technological infrastructure, there are numerous downsides of this piece of technology

  • As I have explained earlier machine learning is made possible when the there is enough data for it to process a take the needful action instructed to the machine at the time of programming, but this piece of information in wrong hands can impact to technological terrorism.
  • We are well aware of eCommerce companies, social media platforms use Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to understand and exploit the buying behavior. Many may disagree with this fact, but think again are you really buying what you need? or are you just buying what they want you to take? Information is good but, it must not be exploited for business or entrepreneur or political gains. We have also seen multiple times the social media platforms support certain political views and misguide the users to win their agenda in the form of campaigns.
  • We know that the COVID-19 situation itself caused Pay-cuts and loss of jobs even in sectors which were not impacted, it clearly shows that on entrepreneurs exploit the situation at hand, so just imagine, if the machine learning was adopted globally and narrow artificial intelligence is adopted too, do you really think you would still keep your jobs? I have heard this argument a couple of times that use of AI will create new jobs, my question to them is for how many? and what type of knowledge and credentials are required to apply for such a position?

We would love to hear from you so please feel free to leave a comment below and also please feel free to share this with your friends, colleagues and family!

India’s Top 5 WiFi Routers below ₹ 2500

Well today, who isn’t working from home? Its all thanks to your WiFi and Internet connection, but many of us are not able to fully leverage the internet speed as before due the government regulations put upon the data service providers recently.

Even if you have a great connection, it is the number of active users in a single house including kids (online classes) and adults have increased the pressure on the bandwidth of internet. So now having a good WiFi Router with more coverage has become the need of the hour. The WiFi Routers can range between ₹900 to ₹25000 depending on its use.

Here i would be sharing the best picks, which are best fit for application at home. So lets get started.

These picks are selected only from amazon because I personally trust them and buy from them, and in the other sites there are possibilities of sellers sending us refurbished goods.

No.5 TP-Link TL-WR841N

Rating: 3 out of 5.
TP-Link TL-WR841N 300Mbps Wireless N Cable, 4 Fast LAN Ports, Easy ...

Technical Details

Model NameTL-WR841N
Model Year2005
Product Dimensions11.68 x 17.53 x 3.3 cm; 907.18 Grams
Item model numberTL-WR841N
Computer Memory TypeDDR3 SDRAM
Processor Count1
Special FeaturesGaming
Mounting HardwareWireless N Rotuer TL-WR841N, Power supply unit and Quick Installation Guide
Number Of Items1
Colour ScreenNo
Voltage100240 Volts
Wattage8 Watts
Batteries IncludedNo
Batteries RequiredNo
Data Transfer Rate300 Megabits Per Second
Wireless Type802.11bgn
GSM frequencies2.4 GHz
Number of Ports5
Communication InterfaceWireless N
Connector TypeRJ-45
Contains Liquid ContentsNo
Has Auto FocusNo
Includes Rechargable BatteryNo
Remote Control Included?No
Supports Bluetooth TechnologyNo
Programmable ButtonsNo
Country/Region of OriginChina
Item Weight907 g

Price : ₹ 1099


TP link is a brand very common and most sold in India, this piece weighs around 907 g, I would recommend this router to the buyers if you are really low on budget and you are looking for a decent performing router which will help you suffice the needs during this work from home times, trust me this the one you need to go for. The data transfer rate is 300 MB/sec along with a 2.4 GHz GSM frequency add further to the delight.

amazon-buy-now-button – Guitar, Ukulele with Music Instrument ...

No.4 D-Link DIR-615 Wireless-N300 Router

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.
Amazon.in: Buy D-Link DIR-615 Wireless-N300 Router (Black, Not a ...

Technical Details

ManufacturerD-Link Systems, Inc.,
Model NameD-Link 615
Product Dimensions198 x 127 x 32 cm; 65 Grams
Item model numberDIR-615
Special FeaturesN300 Router
Number Of Items1
Colour ScreenNo
Batteries IncludedNo
Batteries RequiredNo
Data Transfer Rate300 Unknown modifier
Wireless Type802.11n
Communication InterfaceWireless N
Connector TypeRJ-45
Has Auto FocusNo
Includes Rechargable BatteryNo
Programmable ButtonsNo
ManufacturerD-Link Systems, Inc.
Manufacturer ContactNIL
Country/Region of OriginChina
Item Weight65 g

Price : ₹ 1099


D-Link is among the top brands in WiFi Router space, this router is a feather weight and performance device. In router the most important thing to be considered is their hardware durability, it is consistent. Based on my personal experience, D-Link devices are more durable and sturdy and last for longer duration even at extreme conditions. Though manufactured in China, it is a piece that is budget friendly and does involve you to think too much while buying if you just want a WiFi Router.

amazon-buy-now-button – Guitar, Ukulele with Music Instrument ...

No.3 TP-LINK TD-W8961N

Rating: 4 out of 5.
TP-Link TD-W8961ND 300Mbps Wireless ADSL2+ Modem - Buy TP-Link TD ...

Technical Details

Model NameComputers & Accessories/Categories/Networking Devices (1375427031);Computers & Accessories/Categories/Networking Devices/Modems (1375431031);Computers & Accessories/Categories/Networking Devices/Routers (1375439031)
Model Year2014
Product Dimensions13 x 3.5 x 19.5 cm; 210 Grams
Item model numberTD-W8961N
Hardware PlatformPC
Special FeaturesDynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), DHCP relay;, PVC/Ethernet Port Mapping;, VLAN, 802.1P,, Network Address Translation (NAT);, Traffic Shaping(ATM QoS) UBR, CBR, VBR-rt, VBR-nrt;
Mounting HardwareTD-W8961N, External Splitter, RJ-11 Telephone Cable, RJ-45 Ethernet Cable, Quick Installation Guide, Resource CD, Power Adapter
Number Of Items7
Colour ScreenNo
Voltage220 Volts
Batteries IncludedNo
Batteries RequiredNo
Data Transfer Rate300 Unknown modifier
Wireless Type802.11n, 802.11b, 802.11g
Number of Ports6
Communication InterfaceWireless N
Connector TypeRJ-11
Includes Rechargable BatteryNo
Includes AC AdapterYes
Supports Bluetooth TechnologyNo
Programmable ButtonsNo
Country/Region of OriginChina
Item Weight210 g

Price : ₹ 1649


This TP link router is a champion on its own accord, with a weight class of 210 g. This router is manufactured in china, one of the highest sold routers countrywide. The special features include Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), DHCP relay;, PVC/Ethernet Port Mapping;, VLAN, 802.1P,, Network Address Translation (NAT);, Traffic Shaping(ATM QoS) UBR, CBR, VBR-rt, VBR-nrt. It runs around a capacity of 7.65 Watts. With a double antenna it connects easily with more devices which includes a minimum of 4 mobiles and 2 laptops. It follows a very easy to use protocol on installation, all you need to do is to remember the broadband id and password. This a good buy for people who are looking for a good product that works well at home.

amazon-buy-now-button – Guitar, Ukulele with Music Instrument ...

No.2 TP-Link Archer C20 AC750 Wireless

Rating: 4 out of 5.
TP-LINK ARCHER C20 AC750 Dual Band Wireless WLAN Router 750Mbps ...

Technical Details

Model NameArcher C20
Model Year2017
Product Dimensions22.3 x 35.7 x 6.8 cm; 320 Grams
Item model numberARCHER C20
Processor Count1
Mounting HardwareAC750 Wireless Dual Band Router Archer C20, Power Adapter, RJ45 Ethernet Cable, Quick Installation Guide
Colour ScreenNo
Batteries IncludedNo
Batteries RequiredNo
Data Transfer Rate433 Megabits Per Second
Wireless Type5.8 GHz Radio Frequency
Connector TypeWireless
Has Auto FocusNo
Includes Rechargable BatteryNo
Supports Bluetooth TechnologyNo
Programmable ButtonsNo
Country/Region of OriginChina
Item Weight320 g

Price : ₹ 1699


The TP-LINK ARCHER C20 AC750 WIRELESS is a router of great built quality and design, so durability is the area which it obtains full marks. It is a light weight router that weighs around 320 g which is easy to carry around with ease. The data transfer rate is at 433 MB/sec, and wireless frequency of 5.8 GHz, so far the best in the lot. Sometimes latency issue can be faced if your building premises is under construction of any kind. The supporting hardware includes Power Adapter, RJ45 Ethernet Cable, Quick Installation Guide. It has a 3 years warranty with the product, so once you buy it don’t forget to enroll for the same.

amazon-buy-now-button – Guitar, Ukulele with Music Instrument ...

No.1 TP-Link Archer C6

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
TP-Link Archer C6 Gigabit MU-MIMO Wireless Router, Dual Band 1200 ...

Technical Details

ManufacturerTP-Link Technologies Co. Ltd
SeriesTP-link AC1200
Item Height37 Millimeters
Item Width14.4 Centimeters
Product Dimensions23 x 14.4 x 3.7 cm; 350 Grams
Item model numberARCHER C6
Processor Count1
Connectivity TypeWi-Fi
Wireless Type802.11ac
Number of Ethernet Ports5
Voltage12 Volts
Are Batteries IncludedNo
Included ComponentsWireless Router Archer C6, Power Adapter, RJ45 Ethernet Cable and Quick Installation Guide
ManufacturerTP-Link Technologies Co. Ltd
Country of OriginChina
Item Weight350 g

Price : ₹ 2499


Now finally coming down to the best, starting with the quality and built this TP link router is massive and sturdy, but with a weight class within 350g. The components included along with the router is Power Adapter, RJ45 Ethernet Cable and Quick Installation Guide. This router has a notable upload speed of 5 GHz also gives a very good performance up to 6 mobile devices and 3 laptops with a notable speed and no log during video streaming. It is a definite buy if you have this type of heavy usage at home, or you have extreme upload/download work also if you are into programming where downtime cannot be an excuse. It is on the higher side of the price range which costs around ₹2499, but i’d say, its completely worth every single penny.

amazon-buy-now-button – Guitar, Ukulele with Music Instrument ...

We believe this blog has helped you get a clear information, good luck with your future ventures. We would love to hear from you so please feel free to leave a comment below and also share your love by liking and sharing this post to your loved ones!

WordPress Tutorial (03) – How to Post a Blog easily

“Posting a blog is easy, just login and go to posts start writing and publish it! done!” So then why is it that i am writing this blog?

The fact is that there are a few things that many new bloggers miss out and fail to understand on why they are not getting enough engaging traffic to their WordPress website. In this WordPress tutorial i am going to share a step by step illustration keeping in mind the few modifications that came along in 2020.



Firstly login into your WordPress Admin page, with your existing credentials as shown in the illustration below

WordPress Tutorial (00) - How to access your WordPress Admin Page easily
Illustration 1 : WordPress Tutorial – Login to Admin Page


Once you have logged in on the WordPress Admin Panel, go to the option ‘Post’ and select the ‘Add New’ to add new post. Please find the below illustration for better understanding.

Illustration 2 : WordPress Tutorial – Add New Post


Once you click on Add New, you will be directed to the Blog editing page where you can add the title and paragraphs and pics of the blog topic and move ahead and publish the same. As shown in the below illustration.


The sidebar in the edit page of the blog post have some series of options which are included to optimize the blogging experience for both readers and bloggers alike, i believe it is important to cover these sidebar options, and on how you can use these simple tools to SEO optimize your blog in the search engines.


The status and the visibility options in the sidebar of the blog edit screen, is to help the blogger to schedule the blogs on when he/she would like to publish for a future date. Also along with that the blogger also gets the opportunity to decide whether the blog post needs to be visible to a selected group of audience or everyone, i.e. Private or Public. The below illustration will clearly help you understand this phenomenon better.

Illustration 3. Status of the Blog
Illustration 4. Visibility of the blog


This option on the WordPress Blog sidebar indicates the URL of the blog post that will be displayed on google. If you do not edit it, this option will automatically choose your blog tittle name as your PERMALINK, in some cases it would work fine.i.e. if you title is SEO optimized, if you are working on some custom blog, you can optimize your URL that closely related to the blog title, but please keep in mind it must not be misguiding or else google algorithm with fire-up and kick your website to last.

Illustration 5. Permalink of the blog post would like the one displayed in View Post


Categories are important to help you readers navigate through some more related content if you are a blogger who covers a wide variety of information on your website, so in such a case categories play a very vital role in segregating your content ideal sub-topics which makes it easy to find, the below illustration clearly depicts the above explanation.

Illustration 6. Shows different categories the blog could be tagged with.


We are most familiar with the tags as we actively engage with social media on how we hashtag a particular community to share our piece of information. Tags in WordPress plays a similar role. Check out the illustration for better understanding. Important thing that one must keep in mind is that any post you wish to publish must only be tagged by using minimum 2 keywords and maximum 3 relevant keywords. Please make sure you do not engage in keyword stuffing.

Illustration 7. The word’title’ in the add new tag, will share the message to the ‘title’ community posts


Featured image is in short the cover image of that particular blog, As per many studies, it is a known fat that Images communicate faster than words, so a powerful HD image which is most relevant to your piece of work must be added to your post. Also please keep in mind that this image must include a ALT Text Name, which is depicting your blog. As this function helps is further optimizing your blog to the search engine.

Illustration 8. Setting the WordPress Blog featured image or cover image


Excerpt is a small description of your blog, which helps the readers to understand the content they can expect in the blog, this is very essential for search engines as well for creating the first and the most relevant impression in the minds of the readers.

Illustration 9. shows where you can insert the meta description of your blog


This sidebar function in the WordPress blog edit page is to monitor and allow comments or discussion panels in your WordPress Blog, If you are new to blogging allow the comments section would be better as you will get to engage with your readers and you shall get a better understanding of their expectations, but also do keep in mind that sometimes too many spam messages can also be posted, so ensure to monitor the comments before you post the same live.

Illustration 10. The discussion option in the WordPress blog sidebar

We believe this blog has helped you get a clear information, good luck with your future ventures. We would love to hear from you so please feel free to leave a comment below and also please feel free to share this with your friends, colleagues and family!

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